

  • Neal, J., Amitay, M. (2024). "Physics-based control of flow separation on tapered wings," AIAA SciTech (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Remneff, P., Rojas Carvajal, T., Amitay, M. (2024). "Control of a Streamwise Vortex Using a Finite Span Synthetic Jet," AIAA SciTech (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Carvajal, T., Neal, J., Amitay, M. (2024). "Experimental Validation of the Modified Holman Vortex Identification Method," AIAA Journal (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Nelson, C., Guha, T., Amitay, M. (2024). "Control of Reverse Flow over Cantilevered Swept Blades using Passive Camber Morphing," AIAA Journal 62 (4) (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Carvajal, T., Guha, T., Amitay, M. (2024). "Vortical Structures over a Generic Tailless Chined Forebody Delta Wing at High Angles of Attack," AIAA Journal 62 (2) (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Nelson, C., Guha, T, Amitay, M. (2024). "Control of Reverse Flow Over a Periodically Pitching Cantilevered Swept Blade Using Passive Camber Morphing," AIAA Aviation Forum (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Wylie, J., Jariwala, A., Suryanarayanan, S., Goldstein, D., Amitay, M. (2024). "Synthetic jet actuation for boundary layer re-energization and physio-cyber simulations," Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena Symposium 13 (2024) [Abstract]
  • Jariwala, A., Wylie, J., Tsolovikos, A., Suryanarayanan, S., Bakolas, E., Amitay, M. (2024). "Generation of Hairpin Vortices Using a Hybrid Physio-Cyber Data Assimilation Approach," AIAA SciTech (2024) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Wylie, J., Amitay, M. (2024). "Control of Artificially-Generated Hairpin Vortices in a Laminar Boundary Layer," AIAA SciTech (2024) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Neal, J. and Amitay, M. (2023). "Three-dimensional separation over unswept cantilevered wings at a moderate Reynolds number," Physical Review Fluids, 8, 014703 (2023), DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.8.01470
    (2023) [Abstract]
  • Sheng, M.T., Keller, S.M., Mickalauskas, A., Menicovich, D., Amitay, M., and Lynch, C.S. (2023). "Hybrid Lumped-element and Finite-element Model for Novel Synthetic Jet Actuator Shapes," accepted to AIAA Journal, May 2023
    (2023) [Abstract]
  • Carvajal, T., Neal, J., Amitay, M. (2023). "Evaluation of the Modified Version of the Holmén Vortex Identification Method Using Experimental Data," AIAA SciTech, National Harbor, Maryland, 23rd – 27th, Jan. 2023
    (2023) [Abstract]
  • Burtsev, A., Theofilis, V., Ribeiro, H. M. J., Taira, K., Neal, J., Amitay, M. (2023). "Wake dynamics of tapered wings. Part III: TriGlobal Linear Stability Analysis,"  AIAA SciTech, National Harbor, Maryland, 23rd – 27th, Jan. 2023
    (2023) [Abstract]
  • Parks, J., Amitay, M., Hooker, R., Wick, A. (2023). "Validation of CFD Analysis of Steady Blowing for Control of the Unstable Pitch Break on a Flying Wing," AIAA SciTech, National Harbor, Maryland, 23rd – 27th, Jan. 2023
    (2023) [Abstract]
  • Neal, J., Gares, B., Amitay, M., Burtsev, A., Theofilis, V., Ribeiro, H. M. J., Taira, K. (2023). "Wake dynamics of tapered wings. Part II: an experimental study," AIAA Scitech, National Harbor, Maryland, 23rd – 27th, Jan. 2023
    (2023) [Abstract]
  • Carvajal, T., Amitay, M., and Guha, T. (2023). "Interaction of Low Aspect Ratio, Cantilevered, Chamfered Cylindrical Pins with a Laminar Boundary Layer," Physical Review Fluids, 8, 054701 (2023)
    (2023) [Abstract]
  • Ribeiro, H. M. J., Taira, K., Neal, J., Amitay, M., Burtsev, A., Theofilis, V. (2023). "Wake dynamics of tapered wings. Part I: a computational study," AIAA SciTech, National Harbor, Maryland, 23rd – 27th, Jan. 2023
    (2023) [Abstract]
  • Carvajal, T., Amitay, M. (2023). "Flow Physics and Control of a Generic Tailless Chined Forebody-Delta Wing Configuration," AIAA Scitech, National Harbor, Maryland, 23rd – 27th, Jan. 2023
    (2023) [Abstract]
  • Tricouros, F.A., Amitay, M., and Van Buren, T. (2023). "Rectangular jets issuing into a laminar crossflow,"  accepted to Experiments in Fluids, April 2023
    (2023) [Abstract]
  • Guha, T. and Amitay, M. (2023). "Evolution of a Synthetic Jet with Triangular Orifice Geometry at Varying Skew Angles in a Laminar Boundary Layer," AIAA Aviation, San Diego, CA, 12th – 16th, June. 2023
    (2023) [Abstract]


  • Guha, T. and Amitay, M. (2022). "Evolution of a Synthetic Jet with Triangular Orifice Geometry at Varying Skew Angles in a Laminar Boundary Layer," L17.00007, 75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Neal, J., Ottinger, J., Hayostek, S., and Amitay, M. (2022). "Experimental Investigation on the Effect of Sweep and Taper on Low Reynolds Number Finite Wings," AIAA Scitech, San Diego, CA, 3rd – 7th, Jan. 2022
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Tricouros, F., Amitay, M., Van Buren, T. (2022). "Comparing steady and unsteady rectangular jets issuing into a crossflow," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 942, 10 July 2022, A56. DOI:
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Nelson, C., Guha, T., Amitay, M. (2022). "Control of Reverse Flow using Trailing Edge Morphing," U17.00007, 75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Nelson, C., Guha, T., and Amitay, M. (2022). "Control of Reverse Flow over a Cantilevered Swept Blade using Passive Camber Morphing," AIAA Scitech, San Diego, CA, 3rd – 7th, Jan. 2022
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Neal, J. and Amitay M. (2022). "Experimental investigation of 3-D separation over swept and tapered wings at a moderate Reynolds number," L24.00003, 75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Carvajal, T., Guha, T., and Amitay, M. (2022). "Flowfield over a Generic Tailless Chined Forebody-Delta Wing Configuration," AIAA Scitech, San Diego, CA, 3rd – 7th, Jan. 2022
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Wylie, J. and Amitay M. (2022). "Experimental Generation of Large-Scale Motion for Boundary Layer Control," Q17.00003, 75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Neal J. and Amitay, M. (2022). "Three-Dimensional Flowfield Measurements of a Swept-back Cantilevered Wing at High Angles of Attack," AIAA Scitech, San Diego, CA, 3rd – 7th, Jan. 2022
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Burtsev, A., He, W., Hayostek, S., Zhang, K., Theofilis, V., Taira, K., and Amitay, M. (2022). "Linear Modal Instabilities around Post-Stall Swept Finite Aspect Ratio Wings at Low Reynolds Numbers," Jornal of Fluid Mech. (2022), vol. 944, A6, doi:10.1017/jfm.2022.420

    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Rathay, N. and Amitay, M. (2022). "Interaction of Synthetic Jets with a Massively Separated 3-D Flow Field," Physical Review Fluids, Vol. 7, No. 3, March 2022, DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.7.034702
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Burtsev, A., Ribeiro, J., Neal, J.M., M., Taira, K., Amitay, M., Theofilis, V. (2022). "Laminar flow separation over tapered wings, Part 3: a theoretical study,"  L24.00009, 75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Neal, J., Ottinger, J., Gares, B., and Amitay, M. (2022). "Three Dimensional Flowfield over Swept and Tapered Finite Span Wings at a Low Reynolds Number," The 61st Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences to be held in Shefayim & Haifa, Israel, March 9-10, 2022.
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Gares*, B., Neal, J.M., Burtsev, A., Ribeiro, J., Theofilis, V., Taira, K., Amitay, M. (2022). "Laminar flow separation over tapered wings, Part 2: an experimental study," L24.00008, 75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Ribeiro, J., Neal, J.M., Burtsev, A., Theofili+, V., Amitay, M., Taira, K. (2022). "Laminar flow separation over tapered wings, Part 1: a computational study," L24.00007, 75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana
    (2022) [Abstract]
  • Carvajal, T. and Amitay, M. (2022). "Control of Vortical Structures over a Tailless Chined Forebody-Delta Wing configuration," L17.00006, 75th Annual Meeting of the Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 20–22, 2022, Indianapolis, Indiana
    (2022) [Abstract]


  • Wylie, J., Zhao, D., Mishra, S., Amitay, M. (2021). "Control of T-S Waves on a Natural Laminar Flow Airfoil using Dynamic Surface Modification," AIAA-2021-1547, SciTech, Virtual event, 11–15 & 19–21, January 2021
    (2021) [Abstract]
  • Tricouros, F.A., Amitay, M., Van Buren, T. (2021). "Comparing unsteady and steady jets issued into a flat plate laminar boundary layer," M14.00001, 74th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 21-23, 2021, Phoenix AZ.
    (2021) [Abstract]
  • Neal, J. and Amitay, M. (2021). "Three-Dimensional Separation Over Low Aspect Ratio Cantilevered Wings,"  AIAA-2021-1212, SciTech, Virtual event, 11–15 & 19–21, January 2021
    (2021) [Abstract]
  • Rice, T.T., Taylor, K., and Amitay, M. (2021). "Pulse Modulation of Synthetic Jet Actuators for Control of Separation," Physical Review Fluids, Vol. 6, No. 9, September 2021
    (2021) [Abstract]
  • Carvajal, T.R., Guha, T., Amitay, M. (2021). "“Interaction of Low Aspect Ratio, Cantilevered, Chamfered Cylindrical Pins with a Laminar Boundary Layer”," AIAA-2021-2874, virtual event, 2nd – 6th, August 2021
    (2021) [Abstract]
  • Moore, D. and Amitay, M. (2021). "Production and migration of turbulent kinetic energy in curved shear layers,"  International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, 88 (2021) 108716
    (2021) [Abstract]
  • Ko, D., Guha, T., Amitay, M. (2021). "Control of Reverse Flow over a Cantilevered Blade using Camber Morphing," accepted AIAA Journal, May 2021
    (2021) [Abstract]
  • Hayostek, S. and Amitay, M. (2021). "Flowfield around Low Aspect Ratio Finite Span Wings at low Reynolds Number: Effect of Sweep," AIAA-2021-2862, virtual event, 2nd – 6th, August 2021
    (2021) [Abstract]
  • Wylie, J., Mishra, S., Amitay, M. (2021). "Control of Tollmien-Schlichting Waves on an Airfoil Using Dynamic Surface Modification,"  AIAA Journal, Volume 59, Number 8, August 2021
    (2021) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Rizzetta, D.P., Visbal, M.R., Mishra, S., Amitay, M. (2020). "Closed-Loop Control of Transition by Local Dynamic Surface Modification," Journal of Fluid Eng., No. 9, Vol. 42, September 2020
    (2020) [Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S. and Amitay, M. (2020). "Vortex Dynamics of a Low Aspect Ratio Cantilevered Cylinder Immersed in a Boundary Layer," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 901, A18 2020
    (2020) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Moore, D. and Amitay, M. (2020). "Production and migration of turbulent kinetic energy in curved shear layers," Accepted to International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, September 2020
    (2020) [Abstract]
  • Rizzetta, D., Visbal, M., Amitay, and M., Mishra, S. (2020). "Closed-Loop Control of Transition by Local Dynamic Surface Modification," AIAA SciTech, AIAA-2020-0096, Orlando, FL, January 6-10, 2020
    (2020) [Abstract]
  • Zhang, K., Hayostek, S., Amitay, M., He, W., Theofilis, V., Taira, K. (2020). "On the formation of three-dimensional flows over finite-aspect-ratio wings under tip effects," Volume 895 25, A9, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, July 2020
    (2020) [Abstract]
  • Rizzetta, D., Visbal, M., Amitay, M., Mishra, S. (2020). "Closed-Loop Control of Transition by Local Dynamic Surface Modification," AIAA SciTech, AIAA-2020-0096, Orlando, FL, January 6-10, 2020
    (2020) [Abstract]
  • Neal, J. and Amitay, M. (2020). "Separated Flow over finite span, cantilevered wings at a moderate Reynolds number," 73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2020, virtual.
    (2020) [Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Taylor, K. (2020). "Modular Active Structural Vibration Suppression for Wind Turbine Blades,"  “Modular Active Structural Vibration Suppression for Wind Turbine Blades”, Amitay, M. and Taylor, K..  US Patent 10,683,845 B2, June 16, 2020
    (2020) [Abstract]
  • Zhang, K., Hayostek, S., Amitay, M., Burtsev, A., Theofilis, V., Taira, K. (2020). "Laminar separated flows over finite-aspect-ratio swept wings," accepted to Journal of Fluid Mechanics, September 2020
    (2020) [Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. (2020). "Physical and Virtual Surface Modification for Boundary Layer Control," AIAA SciTech, Orlando, FL, January 6-10, 2020
    (2020) [Abstract]
  • Wylie, J. and Amitay M. (2020). "Mitigation of Tollmien Schlichting waves over a laminar airfoil," 73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2020, virtual.
    (2020) [Abstract]
  • Guha, T. and Amitay, M. (2020). "Evolution of Synthetic Jets of Different Orifice Geometries in a Laminar Boundary Layer," 73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2020, virtual.
    (2020) [Abstract]
  • Hayostek, S. and Amitay, M. (2020). "Vortical Structures on Low Aspect Ratio Finite Wings at Low Reynolds numbers," 73rd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 2020, virtual.
    (2020) [Abstract]
  • Jacobellis, G., Gandhi, F., Rice, T., and Amitay, M. (2020). "Computational and Experimental Investigation of Camber Morphing Airfoils for Reverse Flow Drag Reduction on High-Speed Rotorcraft," Journal of the American Helicopter Society, 65, 012001, 2020
    (2020) [Abstract]


  • Amitay, M. and Gildersleeve, S. (2019). "Methods and Apparatus for Controlling Flow Fields," US Patent 2019/0136881 A1, May 9, 2019
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Moore, D. and Amitay, M. (2019). "Spatial amplification of coupled disturbances in bluff body shear layers," 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 23–26, 2019; Seattle, Washington
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Neal, J. and Amitay, M. (2019). "Three-dimensional separation over a finite span NACA 0015 airfoil," 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 23–26, 2019; Seattle, Washington
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Amitay, M., Taira, K., Theofilis, V. (2019). "Global Modes on Swept Wings," Eleventh International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, July 30th-August 4th 2019, Southampton, United Kingdom.
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Rice, T., Ko, D., Amitay, M. (2019). "Control of Reversed Flow in Static and Dynamic Conditions using Camber Morphing Airfoils," AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2019, TX, June 17-21, 2019
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Hayostek, S., Amitay, M., Zhang, K., Taira, K., He, W., Burtsev, A., Theofilis, V (2019). "Collaborative Investigation of 3-D separation on Low Aspect Ratio Finite Span Wings," The 59th IACAS, Haifa and Tel Aviv, Israel, March 4-6, 2019
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Moore, D.M., Amitay, M. (2019). "Production of Turbulent Kinetic Energy in Curved Shear Layers," Eleventh International Symposium on Turbulence and Shear Flow Phenomena, July 30th-August 4th 2019, Southampton, United Kingdom.
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Delorme, Y., Frankel, S., Rice, T., Amitay, M. (2019). "Oral Presentation: High-order LES of reversed flow unsteady aerodynamics of a pitching wing," AIAA SciTech, San Diego, CA, January 7-11, 2019
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Rice, T. and Amitay, M. (2019). "Forced flow reattachment process and the effect of pressure gradient," AIAA Journal, vol. 57, no. 7, pp. 2795–2807, April 2019
    (2019) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Moore, D., Letchford, C., and Amitay, M. (2019). "Energetic scales in a bluff body shear layer," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 875, 25 September 2019, pp. 543-575
    (2019) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S., Amitay, M. (2019). "Interactions of a Jet Assisted Surface Mounted Actuator with a Turbulent Boundary Layer," AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2019, TX, June 17-21, 2019
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Wylie, J., Taylor, K., Mishra, S., and Amitay, M. (2019). "Control of Laminar-turbulent transition on a natural laminar flow airfoil," 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 23–26, 2019; Seattle, Washington
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Monastero, M., Lindstrom, A., and Amitay, M (2019). "Effect of Synthetic Jets Spacing on Flow Separation over Swept, Flapped Airfoils," AIAA Journal, May 2019
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Lindstrom, A. and Amitay, M. (2019). "Effect of orifice geometry on a finite span synthetic jet evolution," AIAA Journal, April 2019
    (2019) [Publication, Abstract]
  • He, W., Burtsev, A., Theofilis, V., Zhang, K., Taira, K., Hayostek, S., Amitay, M. (2019). "Wake Dynamics of Finite Aspect Ratio Wings. Part III: TriGlobal Linear Stability Analysis," AIAA Scitech, AIAA-2019-1386, San Diego, CA, January 7-11, 2019
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Zhang, K., Taira, K., Hayostek, S., Amitay, M., He, W., Theofilis, V. (2019). "Wake Dynamics of Finite Aspect Ratio Wings. Part II: Computational Study," AIAA Scitech, AIAA-2019-1385, San Diego, CA, January 7-11, 2019
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Hayostek, S., Amitay, M., Zhang, K., Taira, K., He*, W., Theofilis, V. (2019). "Wake Dynamics of Finite Aspect Ratio Wings. Part I: An Experimental Study," AIAA Scitech, AIAA-2019-1384, San Diego, CA, January 7-11, 2019
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Moore, D., Wider, D., Letchford, C.W., and Amitay, M. (2019). "Reynolds number effects of skew winds over bluff bodies," 15th International Conference on Wind Engineering Beijing, China; Sep. 1-6, 2019
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Jacobellis, G., Gandhi, F., Rice, T., and Amitay, M (2019). "Computational and Experimental Investigation of Camber Morphing Airfoils for Reverse Flow Drag Reduction on High-Speed Rotorcraft," accepted to Journal of the American Helicopter Society, July 2019
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Gartner, J., Rice, T., and Amitay, M (2019). "Mitigation of massively separated flow in a three-dimensional diffuser," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, vol. 76, pp. 242–258, 2019
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Hayostek, S. and Amitay, M. (2019). "Effect of boundary conditions on 3-D separation over an airfoil," 72nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 23–26, 2019; Seattle, Washington
    (2019) [Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Gildersleeve, S. (2019). "Methods and Apparatus for Controlling Flow Fields," US Patent 2019/0136881 A1, May 9, 2019
    (2019) [Abstract]


  • Rice, T., Taylor, K., and Amitay, M. (2018). "Quantification of the S817 airfoil aerodynamic properties and their control using synthetic jet actuators," Wind Energy, vol. 21, no. 10, pp. 823–836, February 2018.
    (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Lindstrom, A., Monastero, M., Amitay, M (2018). "The Flow Physics of Synthetic Jets Interaction with Flow over a Flapped Airfoil," AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2018, AIAA-2018-4019, Atlanta, GA, June 24-29, 2018.
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Hayostek, S. and Amitay, M. (2018). "Three-Dimensional Separation on Finite Aspect Ratio Swept Back Wings," AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2018, AIAA-2018-3729, Atlanta, GA, June 24-29, 2018.
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Lindstrom, A., Monastero, M., and Amitay, M. (2018). "The Flow Physics of Synthetic Jets Interaction with Flow over a Flapped Airfoil," 2018 Flow Control Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2018-4019)
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Dell’Orso, H., and Amitay, M. (2018). "Parametric Investigation of Stall Cell Formation on a NACA0015 Airfoil," AIAA Journal, (2018).
    (2018) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Hayostek, S. and Amitay, M. (2018). "Three-Dimensional Separation on Finite Aspect Ratio Swept Back Wings," 2018 Fluid Dynamics Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2018-3729)
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Moore, D.M, Letchford, C.W., and Amitay, M. (2018). "Energy exchange in the transitional flow over bluff bodies," 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 18–20, 2018; Atlanta, Georgia
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Lander, D., Amitay, M., Letchford, C. (2018). "Diffusion length of the bluff body shear layer," 7th Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (BBVIV-7), Carry-le Rouet, France, July 3-6, 2018.
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Gildersleeve, S. (2018). "Virtual and Physical Surface Modifications as Means for Flow Control," AIAA Journal, July 2018.

    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Lander, D., Amitay, M., Letchford, C. (2018). "Diffusion length of the bluff body shear layer," 7th Conference on Bluff Body Wakes and Vortex-Induced Vibrations (BBVIV-7), Carry-le Rouet, France, July 3-6, 2018
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • 1. Amitay, Menicovich, and Gallardo (2018). "Active Modular Aerodynamic Drag Reduction System," Patent: Japan # 6294358 (2/23/2018).
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Rice, T., Taylor, K., and Amitay, M. (2018). "Wind Tunnel Quantification of Dynamic Stall on an S817 airfoil and its Control using Synthetic Jet Actuators," Wind Energy, vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 21–33, July 2018.
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Rice, T. and Amitay, M. (2018). "The Effect of Angle of Attack on the Formation and Evolution of the Flow Associated with a Synthetic Jet Actuator," AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2018, AIAA-2018-4020, Atlanta, GA, June 24-29, 2018.
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Rice, T. and Amitay, M. (2018). "The Effect of Angle of Attack on the Formation and Evolution of the Flow Associated with a Synthetic Jet Actuator," 2018 Flow Control Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2018-4020)
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S. and Amitay, M. (2018). "Control of Flow Separation over a Flapped Airfoil using Low Aspect Ratio Circular Pins," AIAA Journal, August 2018.
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Moore, D.M. and Amitay, M. (2018). "Separated shear layer characteristics of rectangular sections," AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2018, AIAA-2018-3539, Atlanta, GA, June 24-29, 2018.
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Lander, D., Moore, D., Letchford, C., and Amitay, M (2018). "Scaling of square prism shear layers," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, vol. 849, pp. 1096-1119, 2018.  doi:10.1017/jfm.2018.443.
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Moore, D.M, Letchford, C.W., and Amitay, M. (2018). "Transitional shear layers on rectangular sections," The Italian Association for Wind Engineering, September 9-12, 2018.
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Skinner, R., Gartner, J., Amitay, M., and Jansen, K.E. (2018). "Modeling of Active Flow Control in an Aggressive Diffuser with Comparison to Experiment," 71st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 18–20, 2018; Atlanta, Georgia
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Jansen, K.E., Rasquin, M., Farnsworth, J.A., Rathay, N., Monastero, M.C., and Amitay, M (2018). "Interaction of a Synthetic Jet with Separated flow over a Vertical Tail," AIAA Journal, Vol. 56, No. 7, pp. 2653-2668, 2018.
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Moore, D.M, Letchford, C.W., and Amitay, M. (2018). "Transitional shear layers on rectangular sections," The Italian Association for Wind Engineering, September 9-12, 2018
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S. and Amitay, M. (2018). "Three-Dimensional Wake Characteristics Associated with the Jet Assisted Surface Mounted Actuator," AIAA Aviation and Aeronautics Forum and Exposition 2018, AIAA-2018-3060, Atlanta, GA, June 24-29, 2018.
    (2018) [Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S. and Amitay, M. (2018). "Three-Dimensional Wake Characteristics Associated with the Jet Assisted Surface Mounted Actuator," 2018 Flow Control Conference, AIAA AVIATION Forum, (AIAA 2018-3060)
    (2018) [Abstract]


  • Housley, K. and Amitay, M. (2017). "Exploration of Piezoelectric Bimorph Deflection in Synthetic Jet Actuators," 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 19–21, 2017, Denver, Colorado.
    (2017) [Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S. and Amitay, M. (2017). "Dynamic Pin Actuator and its Application for Separation Control," 57th Israel Annual Conf. on Aerospace Sciences, March 15-16, 2017, Tel-Aviv & Haifa, Israel.
    (2017) [Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S., Tuna, B.A., and Amitay, M. (2017). "Interactions of a Low Aspect Ratio Cantilevered Dynamic Pin with a Laminar Boundary Layer," AIAA Journal, May 2017.
    (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Moore, D., Letchford, C., and Amitay, M. (2017). "Characterization of the transition of separated shear layers on 2D rectangular prisms," 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 19–21, 2017, Denver, Colorado.
    (2017) [Abstract]
  • Rice, T. T., Taylor, K., and Amitay, M. (2017). "Wind Tunnel and Field Test Results on Reducing Load Oscillations on Wind Turbine Blades using Synthetic Jets", 35th Wind Energy Symposium,"  AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2017-1378), Grapevine, Texas.
    (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Menicovich, D., Amitay, M., Gallardo, D. (2017). "Piezoelectric-based actuators for improved tractor-trailer performance," Invited Paper No. 10166-9, SPIE Conference, 25-29 March, 2017, Portland, Oregon
    (2017) [Abstract]
  • Moore, D., Lander, D., Letchford, C.W., Amitay M (2017). "Linear Stability Analysis of 2D Square Prism Shear Layers," European-American Conference on Wind Engineering, July 4-7, 2017, Liege, Belgium.
    (2017) [Abstract]
  • Van Buren, T., Smits, A., and Amitay, M. (2017). "Boundary Layer Suction Through Rectangular Orifices: Effects of Aspect Ration and Orientation," Experiments in Fluids, 58: 80, doi: 10.107/s00348-017-2359-1, January 2017.
    (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Lindstrom, A., Monastero, M., and Amitay, M. (2017). "Synthetic Jet Interactions with Flows of Varying Separation Severity and Spanwise Flow Magnitude," 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 19–21, 2017, Denver, Colorado.
    (2017) [Abstract]
  • Jansen, K., Farnsworth, J., Rasquin, M., Rathay, N., Monastero, M., and Amitay, M. (2017). "Interaction of a Synthetic Jet Actuator with a Severely Separated Crossflow," 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 19–21, 2017, Denver, Colorado.
    (2017) [Abstract]
  • Jansen, K. E., Rasquin, M., Farnsworth, J. A., Rathay, N., Monastero, M. C., and Amitay, M. (2017). "Interaction of a Synthetic Jet Actuator on Separated Flow over a Vertical Tail," AIAA Aviation, APA-07, Denver, CO, June 5-9, 2017.
    (2017) [Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S., Amitay, M., and Clingman, D. (2017). "Flow around Low Aspect Ratio Cylinders and their Applications," 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech Forum, (AIAA 2017-1449), Grapevine, Texas.
    (2017) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S. and Amitay, M. (2017). "Vortex Interactions from a Finite Span Cylinder with a Laminar Boundary Layer for Varied Parameters," 70th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 19–21, 2017, Denver, Colorado.
    (2017) [Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Gildersleeve, S. (2017). "Jet Assisted Surface Mounted Actuator (JASMA).," PCT submitted in April 2017.
    (2017) [Abstract]


  • Gartner, J. and Amitay, M. (2016). "Vortex Generators Effectiveness Compared to Active Flow Control Techniques in a Transonic Diffuser," Aviation 2016, June 13-16, Washington DC.
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Lander, D., Amitay, M., Kopp, G.A., Letchford, C. (2016). "The Influence of Freestream Turbulence Approach Trajectory on the Bluff Body Aerodynamics of a Square Prism," 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, June 7 - 11, 2016.
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Gildersleeve, S. (2016). "Jet Assisted Surface Mounted Actuator (JASMA)," Provisional Patent 2016-046, April 25, 2016; PCT submitted in April 2017.
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Lander, D., Amitay, M., Kopp, G.A., Letchford+, C. (2016). "The influence of freestream turbulence approach trajectory on the bluff body aerodynamics of a square prism," 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 7 - 11, 2016.
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Hayostek, S., Lewis, D., and Amitay, M. (2016). "Quantification of the PDOS Actuator: Materials Selection," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 22-24, 2016
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Taylor, K. and Amitay, M. (2016). "A Statistical Approach to the Identification of Vortical Structures During Dynamic Stall with Flow Control," 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAa SciTech, San Diego, CA, January 2016.
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Dell'Orso, H., Tuna, B.A., and Amitay, M. (2016). "Measurement of 3-D Stall Cells on a 2-D NACA0015 Airfoil," AIAA Journal, Vol. 54, Issue: 12, pp. 3872-3883, November 2016.
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M., Menicovich, D., and Gallardo, D. (2016). "Enhanced Fuel Efficient on Tractor-Trailers Using Synthetic Jets-based Active Flow Control," SPIE Conference, Las Vegas, NV, March 21-24, 2016
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Taylor, K. and Amitay, M. (2016). "A Statistical Approach to the Identification of Vortical Structures During Dynamic Stall with Flow Control," 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, AIAA SciTech, January 2016.
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Dell'Orso, H., Tuna, B.A., and Amitay, M. (2016). "Measurement of 3-D Stall Cells on a 2-D NACA0015 Airfoil," AIAA Journal, May 2016.
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M., Menicovich, D. and Gallardo, D. (2016). "Enhanced Fuel Efficient on Tractor-Trailers Using Synthetic Jets-based Active Flow Control," SPIE Conference, Paper Number: 9801-1, March 21-24, Las Vegas, Nevada.
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S., Clingman, D., Amitay, M. (2016). "Separation Control over a Flapped NACA 0012 Model using an Array of Low Aspect Ratio Cylindrical Pins,"  Aviation 2016, June 13-16, Washington DC
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S., Clingman, D. and Amitay, M. (2016). "Separation Control Over a Flapped NACA 0012 Model Using an Array of Low Aspect Ratio Cylindrical Pins," Aviation 2016, June 13-16, Washington, DC.
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Van Buren, T., Leong, C. Beyar, M., and Amitay, M. (2016). "Three-dimensional Interaction of a Finite-span Synthetic Jet in a Crossflow," Physics of Fluids, Volume 28, Issue 3, March 2016.
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S., Clingman, D., and Amitay, M. (2016). "Separation Control Over a Flapped NACA 0012 Model Using an Array of Low Aspect Ratio Cylinders,"  Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 22-24, 2016
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Housley, K., Clingman, D. and Amitay, M. (2016). "Development of Piezo-based Membranes for Synthetic Jet Actuators: Experiments and Modeling," SPIE Conference, Paper Number: 9801-4, March 21-24, Las Vegas, Nevada. 
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Amitay, Menicovich, and Gallardo (2016). "Active Modular Aerodynamic Drag Reduction System," US Patent 2016/0347381 A1
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Housley, K., Clingman, D., and Amitay, M. (2016). "Development of Piezo-based Membranes for Synthetic Jet Actuators: Experiments and Modeling," SPIE Conference, Las Vegas, NV, March 21-24, 2016
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Van Buren, T. (2016). "Piezoelectric Driven Oscillating Surface,"  Patent No. 9,422.954, August 23, 2016.
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Chan, W., Clingman, D., and Amitay, M. (2016). "Development of In-series Piezoelectric Bimorph Bending Beam Actuators for Active Flow Control Applications," SPIE Conference, Las Vegas, NV, March 21-24, 2016
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Gildersleeve, S. (2016). ""Jet Assisted Surface Mounted Actuator (JASMA).," Provisional Patent 2016-046, April 25, 2016.
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Van Buren, T. (2016). "Piezoelectric Driven Oscillating Surface," Patent No. 9,422.954, August 23, 2016. 
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Dell'Orso, H., Chan, W., and Amitay, M. (2016). "Induced Stall Cells on a NACA0015 Airfoil using Passive and Active Trips," Aviation 2016, Washington DC, June 13-16, 2016
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Chan, W., Clingman, D., and Amitay, M. (2016). "Development of In-series Piezoelectric Bimorph Bending Beam Actuators for Active Flow Control Applications," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 22-24, 2016
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Lander, D., Moore, D., Amitay, M., Letchford, C. (2016). "Bluff Body Shear Layer Control of the 2D Square Prism Wake," 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, June 7 - 11, 2016.
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Dell'Orso, H. (2016). "Induced Stall Cells on a NACA0015 Airfoil using Passive and Active Trips," 56th Israel Annual Conference on Aerospace Sciences, Tel-Aviv & Haifa, Israel, March 9-10, 2016
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Rice, T., Cummings, R., Clingman, D., Sahni, O., Amitay, M. (2016). "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Static and Dynamic Vortex Generators on an Airfoil with a Deflected Flap,"  Aviation 2016, Washington, DC, June 13-16, 2016
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Chan, W., Clingman, D. and Amitay, M. (2016). "Development of In-series Piezoelectric Bimorph Bending Beam Actuators for Active Flow Control Applications," SPIE Conference, Paper Number: 9801-3, March 21-24, Las Vegas, Nevada.  
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Lander, D., Moore, D., Amitay, M., Letchford+, (2016). "Bluff body shear layer control of the 2D square prism wake," 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 7 - 11, 2016.
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Amitay, M., and Dell’Orso, H. (2016). "Induced Stall Cells on a NACA0015 Airfoil Using Passive and Active Trips," 56th Israel Annual Conf. on Aerospace Sciences, March 9-10, 2016, Tel-Aviv & Haifa, Israel.
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Rice, T., Cummings, R., Sahni, O. and Amitay, M. (2016). "Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Static and Dynamic Vortex Generators on an Airfoil with a Deflected Flap," Aviation 2016, June 13-16, Washington DC.
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Letchford, C.W., Lander, D.C., Case, P., Dyson, A., Amitay, M. (2016). "Bio-mimicry Inspired Tall Buildings: The Response of Cactus-like Buildings to Wind Action at Reynolds Number of 10 to the 4th," Journal of Wind Eng. Ind. Aerody., Volume 150, p. 22-30, 2016.
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Monastero, M.C. and Amitay, M. (2016). "Performance Enhancement of an Airfoil with a Control Surface Using Synthetic Jets," Aviation 2016, June 13-16, Washington, DC.
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Dell'Orso, H., Chan, W. and Amitay, M. (2016). "Induced Stall Cells on a NACA0015 Airfoil Using Passive and Active Trips," Aviation 2016, June 13-16, Washington DC. 
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Rice, T., Taylor, K., and Amitay, M. (2016). "Experimental and Field Test Results of Load Reduction on a Wind Turbine Blade Using Synthetic Jets," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 22-24, 2016
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Dell'Orso, H. and Amitay, M. (2016). "Controlled Formation of 3D Stall Cells on a NACA0015 Airfoil," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 22-24, 2016
    (2016) [Abstract]
  • Monastero, M.C. and Amitay, M. (2016). "Performance Enhancement of an Airfoil Model with a Control Surface using Synthetic Jets," Aviation 2016, Washington DC, June 13-16, 2016
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. (2016). "Active Flow Control and its Application in Fluid Systems," 8th International Colloquium on Bluff Body Aerodynamics and Applications, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 7 - 11, 2016, KEYNOTE PRESENTATION.
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Van Buren, T., Leong, C., Whalen, E., and Amitay, M (2016). "Impact of Orifice Orientation on a Finite-Span Synthetic Jet Interaction with a Crossflow," Physics of Fluids, Volume 28, Issue 3, March 2016.
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Lander, D.C., Letchford, C.W., Amitay, M., and Kopp, G.A. (2016). "The Influence of the Bluff Body Shear Layers on the Wake of a Square Prism in a Turbulent Flow," Physical Review Fluids, June 2016.
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M., Tuna, B.A., and Dell'Orso, H. (2016). "Identification and Mitigation of T-S Waves Using Localized Dynamic Surface Modification," Physics of Fluids, Volume 28, Issue 6, DOI: 10.1063/1.4953844, June 2016.   
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Van Buren, T. and Amitay, M. (2016). "Comparison Between Finite-span Steady and Synthetic Jets Issued into a Quiescent Fluid," Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Volume 75, p. 16-24, July 2016.
    (2016) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Taylor, K. and Amitay M. (2015). "Dynamic Stall Process on a Cantilevered Finite Span Blade and its Control via Synthetic Jet Actuators," Physics of Fluids, Volume 27, 067102, 2015.
    (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Vasile, J.D. and Amitay, M. (2015). "Interaction of a Finite-Span Synthetic Jet near the Tip of a Sweptback Wing," Physics of Fluids, Volume 27, 067102, June 2015.
    (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S., Leong, C.M., Tuna, B., Clingman, D., and Amitay, M. (2015). "Interactions of a Low Aspect Ratio Dynamic Pin with a Laminar Flow," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, May 1-3, 2015.
    (2015) [Abstract]
  • Cruz, E., Leong, C.M., Taylor, K., Clingman, D., and Amitay, M. (2015). "Interaction of a Dynamic Vortex Generator with a Cross-Flow," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, May 1-3, 2015
    (2015) [Abstract]
  • Dell'Orso, H., Tuna, B., Clingman, D., and Amitay, M. (2015). "Experimental Investigation of 3-D Stall Cells on a NACA 0015 Airfoil," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, May 1-3, 2015
    (2015) [Abstract]
  • Tuna, B. and Amitay, M. (2015). "Three-Dimensional Investigation of Active Control of Tollmien-Schlichting (T-S) Waves," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, May 1-3, 2015
    (2015) [Abstract]
  • Van Buren, T., Whalen, E. and Amitay, M. (2015). "On Achieving a High Speed and Momentum Synthetic Jet Actuator," Journal of Aerospace Engineering, ISBN: 0893-1321, 04015040(16), 2015.
    (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Van Buren, T., Whalen, E., and Amitay, M. (2015). "Interaction Between a Vortex Generator and a Synthetic Jet in a Crossflow," Physics of Fluids, Volume 27, 107101, (2015).
    (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Vaccaro, J.C., Elimelech, Y., Chen, Y., Sahni, O., Jansen, K. and Amitay, M. (2015). "Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Steady Blowing Flow Control within a Compact Inlet Duct," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flows, Volume 54, p. 143-152, August 2015.
    (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Vaccaro, J.C., Elimelech, Y., Chan, Y., Sahni, O., Jansen, K., and Amitay, M. (2015). "Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Steady Blowing Flow Control within a Compact Inlet Duct," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flows, Volume 54, p. 143-152, August 2015.
    (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Taylor, K. (2015). "Modular Active Structural Vibration Suppression for Wind Turbine Blades," Provisional Patent, 62/132,252, March 12, 2015. 
    (2015) [Abstract]
  • Spatcher, D., Hayostek, S., Clingman, D., and Amitay, M. (2015). "Piezo-Based Flow Control Actuators for Aerodynamic Performance Enhancement," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, May 1-3, 2015
    (2015) [Abstract]
  • DeMauro, E., Dell'Orso, H., Chang, L., Zaremski, S., Leong, C. and Amitay, M. (2015). "Control of a Laminar Separation Bubble on a NACA 0009 Airfoil using Electro-Active Polymers," AIAA Journal, February 2015.
    (2015) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Gartner, J. and Amitay, M. (2015). "Flow Control In A Short Transonic Diffuser," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, May 1-3, 2015
    (2015) [Abstract]
  • Rice, T., Taylor, K., and Amitay, M. (2015). "Reduction of Dynamic Stall Load Oscillations on a Wind Turbine Blade Using Synthetic Jets," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, May 1-3, 2015
    (2015) [Abstract]
  • Van Buren, T., Whalen, E. and Amitay, M. (2015). "Synthetic Jet Actuator Cavity Acoustics: Helmholtz vs Quarter-wave Resonance," Journal of Vibration and Acoustics (ASME), March 2015.
    (2015) [Publication, Abstract]


  • DeMauro, E., Leong, C. and Amitay, M. (2014). "Stability and Control of a Low Aspect Ratio Cantilevered Circular Cylinder," Chapter in book on Instability and Control of Massively Separated Flows, Springer, 2014. ISBN: 978-3-319-06259-4.
    (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Rathy, N., Boucher, M., Amitay, M. and Whalen, E. (2014). "Performance Enhancement of a Vertical Tail using Synthetic Jet Actuators," AIAA Journal, Volume 52, p. 810-820, (2014).
    (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Van Buren, T., Whalen, E. and Amitay, M. (2014). "Vortex Formation of a Finite-Span Synthetic Jet: High Reynolds Numbers," Physics of Fluids, Volume 26, Issue 1, 014101, January 2014.
    (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Van Buren, T., Whalen, E. and Amitay, M. (2014). "Vortex Formation of a Finite Span Synthetic Jet: Effect of Rectangular Orifice Geometry," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 745, p. 180-207, April 2014.
    (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Farnsworth, J. (2014). "Separation Control Using Synthetic Jets," Chapter in book on Synthetic Jets: Fundamentals and Applications, Taylor & Francis, 2014. ISBN: 9781439868102.
    (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Rathay, N., Boucher, M., Amitay, M., and Whalen, E. (2014). "Parametric Study of Synthetic-Jet-Based Flow Control for Performance Enhancement of a Verticle Tail," AIAA Journal, Voume 52, Issue 11, p. 2440-2454, (2014)
    (2014) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Cruz, E., Chan, W., Hayostek, S., Leong, C.M., Clingman, D., and Amitay, M. (2014). "Interaction of a Dynamic Vortex Generator with a Laminar Boundary Layer," 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, CA, November 23-25, 2014
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Sivaneri, V., Tuna, B., DeMauro, E., and Amitay, M. (2014). "Formation of Three-Dimensional Stall Cells on Two-Dimensional Airfoils," 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, CA, November 23-25, 2014
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Sivaneri, V., Tuna, B., DeMauro, E., and Amitay, M. (2014). "Formation of Three Dimensional Stall Cells on Two Dimensional Airfoils," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Island, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 27-29, 2014
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Gildersleeve, S., Spatcher, D., Leong, C.M., Clingman, D., and Amitay, M. (2014). "Interaction of a Cross-flow with Dynamic Discrete Roughness Elements," 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, CA, November 23-25, 2014
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Taylor, K., Leong, C.M., and Amitay, M. (2014). "Load Control on a Dynamically Pitching Finite Span Wind Turbine Blade using Synthetic Jets," Wind Energy Journal, (July 2014).
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Amitay, M., Menicovich, D. and Gallardo, D. (2014). "Active Modular Aerodynamic Drag Reduction System," Provisional Patent, 61,766,193, February 19, 2013. PCT/US2014/016809, February 2014.
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Gartner, J. and Amitay, M. (2014). "Transonic Flow in a Diffuser," 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, CA, November 23-25, 2014
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Tuna, B. and Amitay, M. (2014). "Three-Dimensional Characterization and Control of Tollmien-Schlichting Waves on a Flat Plate," 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, CA, November 23-25, 2014
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Monastero, M., Rathay, N., Whalen, E., and Amitay, M. (2014). "Effect of Synthetic Jet Actuator Spacing on the Performance Enhancement of a Vertical Tail Model," 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, CA, November 23-25, 2014
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Gartner, J. and Amitay, M. (2014). "Transonic Flow in a Diffuser," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 27-29, 2014
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Housley, K., Chang, L., and Amitay, M. (2014). "Synthetic Jet Actuator Performance Enhancement," 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, CA, November 23-25, 2014
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Menicovich, D., Lander, D., Vollen, J., Amitay, M., Letchford, C., Dyson, A. (2014). "Improving Aerodynamic Performance of Tall Buildings Using Fluid Based Aerodynamic Modification," Journal of Wind Engineering & Industrial Aerodynamics, Volume 133, p. 263-273, (2014).
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Gartner, J. and Amitay, M (2014). "Effect of Boundary Layer Thickness on Secondary Structures in a Short Inlet Curved Duct," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Volume 50, p. 467-478, (2014).
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Housley, K., Chang, L., and Amitay, M. (2014). "Synthetic Jet Actuator Performance Enhancement," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 27-29, 2014
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Monastero, M., Rathay, N., and Amitay, M. (2014). "Effect of Actuator Spacing on Performance Enhancement of a Vertical Tail Model," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 27-29, 2014
    (2014) [Abstract]
  • Dell'Orso, H., Tuna, B., DeMauro, E., and Amitay, M. (2014). "Control of Tollmien-Schlichting Waves on a Flat Plate Using a Piezoelectric-Driven Oscillating Surface," 67th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Francisco, CA, November 23-25, 2014
    (2014) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Rathay, N., Boucher, M., Amitay, M., and Whalen, E. (2013). "Performance Enhancement of a Vertical Tail Model Capable of Sideslip Rotation Using Synthetic Jets," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 27-29, 2013
    (2013) [Abstract]
  • Vasile, J.D.and Amitay, M (2013). "Interactions of an Array of Finite Span Synthetic Jets and a Cross-Flow," AIAA Journal, Volume 51, Issue 10, p. 2503-2512, (October 2013).
    (2013) [Abstract]
  • Taylor, K., Leong, C., and Amitay, M. (2013). "Dynamic Stall of Finite Span Blades and its Control," 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburg, PA, November 24-26, 2013
    (2013) [Abstract]
  • Van Buren, T., Whalen, E., and Amitay, M. (2013). "Vortex Formation of a Finite Span Synthetic Jet," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 27-29, 2013
    (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Beyer, M. and Amitay, M. (2013). "The Effect of Finite Span Synthetic Jets on a Low Aspect Ratio Circular Cylinder,"  Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 27-29, 2013
    (2013) [Abstract]
  • Van Buren, T., Leong, C., Whalen, E., and Amitay, M. (2013). "Interactions of a Finite Span Synthetic Jet with a Cross Flow," 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburg, PA, November 24-26, 2013
    (2013) [Abstract]
  • Vaccaro, J.C., Elimelech, Y., Chen, Y., Sahni, O., Jansen, K.E. and Amitay, M. (2013). "Experimental and Numerical Investigation on Flow Control in a Compact Inlet Duct," DOI information: 10.1016/j.ijheatfluidflow.2013.08.004, (September 2013).
    (2013) [Abstract]
  • DeMauro, E., Leong, C.M. and Amitay, M (2013). "Interaction of a Synthetic Jet with the Flow Over a Low Aspect Ratio Cylinder," Physics of Fluids, Volume 25, Issue 6, (2013).
    (2013) [Abstract]
  • Dell'Orso, H., Chang, L., Zaremski, S., DeMauro, E., Leong, C., and Amitay, M. (2013). "Control of a Separation Bubble at Low Reynolds Numbers Using Electro-Active Polymers," 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburg, PA, November 24-26, 2013
    (2013) [Abstract]
  • DeMauro, E., Leong, C.M. and Amitay, M. (2013). "Interaction of a Synthetic Jet with the Flow Over a Low Aspect Ratio Cylinder," Physics of Fluids, Volume 25, Issue 6, (2013).
    (2013) [Abstract]
  • Vasile, J. and Amitay, M. (2013). "Flow Interactions of a Finite-span Synthetic Jet near a Wing Tip," 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburg, PA, November 24-26, 2013
    (2013) [Abstract]
  • Gartner, J., Salvador, I., and Amitay, M. (2013). "Effect of Boundary Layer Thickness on Secondary Structures in Short Inlet Curved Ducts,"  Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 27-29, 2013
    (2013) [Abstract]
  • Dell'Orso, H., Chang, L., Zaremski, S., DeMauro, E., Leong, C., and Amitay, M. (2013). "Control of a Laminar Separation Bubble on a NACA 0009 Airfoil Using Electroactive Polymers," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 27-29, 2013
    (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Van Der Schijff, Menicovich, D., Vollen, J., and Amitay, M. (2013). "Active Flow Control Integrated Diffuser for Increased Energy Efficiency in Variable Air Volume Systems,"  66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburg, PA, November 24-26, 2013
    (2013) [Abstract]
  • Vasile, J. and Amitay, M. (2013). "Flow Interactions of a Finite Span Synthetic Jet Near the Tip of a Swept-back Finite Wing,"  Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 27-29, 2013
    (2013) [Abstract]
  • Gartner, J. and Amitay, M. (2013). "Effect of Boundary Layer Thickness on Secondary Structures in a Short Inlet Curved Duct," 66th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Pittsburg, PA, November 24-26, 2013
    (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Rathay, N., Boucher, M., Amitay, M. and Whalen, E. (2013). "Application of Synthetic Jets to Enhance the Performance of a Vertical Tail," SAE International Journal of Aerospace, Volume 6, p. 169-179, (September 2013).
    (2013) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Rathay, N., Whalen, E., and Amitay, M. (2013). "Performance Enhancement of a Vertical Tail Using Synthetic Jet Actuators: Flow Physics," Thousand Islands Fluid Dynamics Meeting, 1000 Islands, Gananoque, On, Canada, April 27-29, 2013
    (2013) [Abstract]


  • Farnsworth, J., Amitay, M., Beal, D. and Huyer, S. (2012). "Interactions of a Propeller with a Stator-Induced Circumferentially-Varying Flow," Experiments in Fluids, Volume 52, Issue 2, p. 495-501, DOI information: 10.1007/s00348-011-1239-3, January 2012.
    (2012) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Jung, J., Kuo, C., Peles, Y. and Amitay, M. (2012). "The Flow Field Around a Micro Pillar in a Microchannel," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Volume 36, p. 118-132, August 2012.
    (2012) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Menicovich, D., Vollen, D., Amitay, M., Letchford, C., DeMauro, E., Rao, A., and Dyson, A. (2012). "A Different Approach to the Aerodynamic Performance of Tall Buildings," Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat (CTBUH), Issue 4, 2012.
    (2012) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Huyer, S.A., Dropkin, A., Beal, D., Farnsworth, J. and Amitay, M. (2012). "Pre-Swirl Maneuvering Propulsor," IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering, Volume 37, Issue 1, p. 122-138, January 2012.
    (2012) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Demauro, E., Leong, C. and Amitay, M. (2012). "Three-Dimensional Flow Interactions in Low Aspect Ratio Finite Span Cylinders," Experiments in Fluids, DOI information: 10.1007/s00348-012-1413-2, 2012.
    (2012) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Van Buren, T. and Amitay, M. (2012). "Control of a Transitioning Boundary Layer using Surface-Mounted Electro Active Polymers," International Journal of Flow Control, Volume 4, p. 3-4, (December 2012).
    (2012) [Abstract]


  • Taylor, K., Leong, C.M., and Amitay, M. (2011). "Aerodynamic Performance Enhancement of a Finite Span Wind Turbine Blade Using Synthetic Jets," 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore, MD, November 20-22, 2011
    (2011) [Abstract]
  • Farnsworth, J., Amitay, M., Beal, D. and Huyer, S. (2011). "Measurements of a Stator-Induced Circumferentially-Varying Flow," Experiments in Fluids, March 2011.
    (2011) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Farnsworth, J., Amitay, M., Beal, D., and Huyer, S. (2011). "Interactions of a Propeller with a Circumferentially-Varying Flow," 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore, MD, November 20-22, 2011
    (2011) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Widdle, A., Zhang, L., and Amitay, M. (2011). "Numerical Modeling and Simulations on Electo-Active Polymer Flow Control," 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore, MD, November 20-22, 2011
    (2011) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Zaremski, S. and Amitay, M. (2011). "Electroactive Polymer Based Flow Control at Low Reynolds Numbers,"  64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore, MD, November 20-22, 2011
    (2011) [Abstract]
  • Elcock, D., Honkanen, M., Juo, C., Amitay, M. and Peles, Y. (2011). "Bubble Dynamics and Interactions with a Pair of Micro Pillars in Tandem," International Journal of Multiphase Flow, Volume 37, Issue 5, p. 440-452, 2011.
    (2011) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Sahni, O., Wood, J., Jansen, K.E. and Amitay, M. (2011). "3-D Interactions Between a Finite-Span Synthetic Jet and a Cross Flow at a Low Reynolds Number and Angle of Attack," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 67, p. 254-287, 2011.
    (2011) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Rathay, N., Boucher, M., and Amitay, M. (2011). "Synthetic Jets Flow Control on a Vertical Stabilizer," 64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore, MD, November 20-22, 2011
    (2011) [Abstract]
  • Elimelech, Y., Vasile, J.D. and Amitay, M. (2011). "Secondary Flow Structures Due to Interaction Between a Finite-span Synthetic Jet and a 3-D Cross Flow," Physics of Fluids, Volume 23, Issue 094104, September 2011.
    (2011) [Publication, Abstract]
  • DeMauro, E., Leong, C.M., and Amitay, M. (2011). "Active Flow Control on a Low Aspect Ratio Finite Cylinder,"  64th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Baltimore, MD, November 20-22, 2011
    (2011) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Elcock, D., Jung, J., Kuo, R., Amitay, M. and Peles, Y. (2011). "Interaction of a Liquid Flow Around a Micropillar with a Gas Jet," Physics of Fluids, Volume 23, Issue 122001, (2001).
    (2011) [Abstract]


  • Maldonado, V., Farnsworth, J., Gressick, W. and Amitay, M (2010). "Active Control of Flow Separation and Structural Vibrations of Wind Turbine Blades," Wind Energy, Volume 13, Issue 2-3, p. 221-237, March-April 2010.
    (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Vasile, J.D., Elimelech, Y., Amitay, M., Jansen, K. (2010). "Interaction of a Finite-Span Synthetic-jet and Cross-flow Over a Swept Wing," 63th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, CA, November 21-23, 2010
    (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Vaccaro, J., Elimelech, Y., and Amitay, M. (2010). "Experimental Investigation of Actuators for Flow Control in Inlet Ducts," 63th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, CA, November 21-23, 2010
    (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Farnsworth, J., Amitay, M., Beal, D., and Huyer, S. (2010). "Interaction of a Circumferentially Varying Stator Row Upstream of a Propeller in a Uniform Flow,"  63th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, CA, November 21-23, 2010
    (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Montoya, L.D., Jackson, J.L. and Amitay, M. (2010). "Control of Aerosol Dispersion in a Room Using Synthetic Jet Actuators," Building and Environment, Volume 45, Issue 1, p. 165-175, January 2010.
    (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Kahn, W. and Amitay, M. (2010). "Flow Structures and Interactions of a Fail-Safe Actuator," 63th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, CA, November 21-23, 2010
    (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Van Buren, T. and Amitay, M. (2010). "Three Dimensional Vortex Formation of a Finite-Span Synthetic Jet," 63th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, CA, November 21-23, 2010
    (2010) [Abstract]
  • Taylor, K., Leong, C., and Amitay, M. (2010). "Performance Enhancement of a Wind Turbine Blade Using Synthetic Jets,"  63th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Long Beach, CA, November 21-23, 2010
    (2010) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Honkanen, M., Elcock, D., Kuo, C., Peles, Y. and Amitay, M (2010). "Lagrangian Tracking of Bubbles Interacting with Pin-fins in a Microchannel," Experiments in Fluids, November 2010.
    (2010) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Otani, K., Moore, J., Gressick, W. and Amitay, M. (2009). "Active Yaw Control of a Ducted Fan-Based MAV," International Journal of Flow Control, Volume 1, Issue 1, p. 29-42, 2009.
    (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Maldonado, V., Boucher, M., Ostman, R., and Amitay, M. (2009). "Active Vibration Control of an S809 Wind Turbine Blade Using Synthetic Jets," 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, MN, November 22-24, 2009
    (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Vaccaro, J. and Amitay, M. (2009). "Experimental Investigation of Actuators for Flow Control in Inlet Ducts," 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, MN, November 22-24, 2009
    (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Maldonado, V. Boucher, M., Ostman, R. and Amitay, M. (2009). "Active Vibration Control of a Wind Turbine Blade Using Synthetic Jets," International Journal of Flow Control, Volume 1, Issue 4, 2009.
    (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Sahni, O., Amitay, M., and Kansen, K. (2009). "3-D Interactions of Synthetic Jets and Cross-Flows-CFD," 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, MN, November 22-24, 2009
    (2009) [Abstract]
  • Wood, J. and Amitay, M. (2009). "3-D Interactions of Synthetic Jets and Cross-flows - Experiments," 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, MN, November 22-24, 2009
    (2009) [Abstract]
  • Jansen, K., Sahni, O. and Amitay, M. (2009). "Numerical Investigation of Actuators for Flow Control in Inlet Ducts," 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, MN, November 22-24, 2009
    (2009) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Farnsworth, J. and Amitay, M. (2009). "The Interaction of an Array of Circumferentialy Varying Stators with a Uniform Crossflow," 62nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Minneapolis, MN, November 22-24, 2009
    (2009) [Abstract]
  • Vaccaro, J.C., Vasile, J.D., Olles, J., Sahni, O., Jansen, K. and Amitay, M. (2009). "Active Control of Inlet Ducts," International Journal of Flow Control, Volume 1, Issue 2, p. 133-154, 2009.
    (2009) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Pavlova, A., Otani, K. and Amitay, M. (2008). "Active Performance Enhancement of Spray Cooling," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Volume 29, (2008).
    (2008) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Tamburello, D.and Amitay, M. (2008). "Manipulation of an Axisymmetric Jet by a Single Synthetic Jet Actuator," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Volume 29, 2008.
    (2008) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Tamburello, D. and Amitay, M. (2008). "Active Manipulation of a Particle-laden Jet," International Journal of Multiphase Flows, Volume 34, p. 829-851, 2008.
    (2008) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Pavlova, A., Otani, K. and Amitay, M. (2008). "Active Control of Sprays Using a Single Synthetic Jet Actuator," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Volume 29, Issue 1, p. 131-148, February 2008.
    (2008) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Farnsworth, J.A.N., Vaccaro, J. and Amitay, M. (2008). "Aerodynamic Performance Modification of the Stingray UAV at Low Angles of Attack," AIAA Journal, Volume 46, Issue 10, p. 2530-2544, 2008.
    (2008) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Tamburello, D. and Amitay, M. (2007). "Interaction of a Free Jet with a Perpendicular Control Jet," Journal of Turbulence, Volume 8, Issue 21, 2007.
    (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Tamburello, D. and Amitay, M. (2007). "Dynamic Response of a Free Jet to the Activation of a Single Synthetic Jet," Journal of Turbulence, Volume 8, Issue 48, 2007.
    (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. (2007). "Synthetic Jets and Their Applications for Fluid/Thermal Systems," Symposium Volume on Flow Control & MEMS, Springer, (invited paper), September 2007.
    (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Cannelle, F. and Amitay, M (2007). "Transitory Behavior of Finite Span Synthetic Jets," Physics of Fluids, Volume 19, Issue 19, 2007. 
    (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Tamburello, D. and Amitay, M. (2007). "Three Dimensional Interactions of a Free Jet with a Perpendicular Synthetic Jet," Journal of Turbulence, Volume 8, Issue 38, 2007.
    (2007) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Ciuryla, M., Liu, Y., Farnsworth, J., Kwan, C. and Amitay, M. (2007). "Flight Control Using Synthetic Jets on a Cessna 182 Model," Journal of Aircraft, Volume 44, Issue 2, p. 642-653, March-April 2007.
    (2007) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Tamburello, D. and Amitay, M. (2006). "Manipulation of an Axisymmetric Jet Using Continuous Control Jets," Journal of Turbulence, Volume 7, Issue 59, 2006.
    (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Pavlova, A. and Amitay, M (2006). "Electronic Cooling Using Synthetic Jet Impingement," Journal of Heat Transfer, Issue 9, p. 897-907, 2006. 
    (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Glezer, A. (2006). "Flow Transients Induced on a 2-D Airfoil by Pulse-Modulation Actuation," Experiments in Fluids, Volume 40, 2006.
    (2006) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Cannelle, F. (2006). "Evolution of Finite Span Synthetic Jets," Physics and Fluids, Volume 18, Issue 5, p. 054101-054101-16, 2006.
    (2006) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Glezer, A., Amitay, M. and Honohan, A. (2005). "Aspects of Low and High Frequency Actuation for Aerodynamic Flow Control," AIAA Journal, Volume 43, Issue 7, July 2005.
    (2005) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Amitay, M., Washburn, A.E., Anders, S.G. and Parekh, D.E. (2004). "Active Flow Control on the Stingray UAV: Transient Behavior," AIAA Journal, Volume 42, Issue 11, 2004.
    (2004) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Amitay, M. and Glezer, A. (2003). "Separation Control Using Synthetic Jet Actuators," Chapter in a book on Manipulation and Control of Jets in a Cross Flow, Series: CISM International Centre for Mechanical Sciences, Number 439, Ann R. Karagozian, Luca Cortelezza and Alfredo Soldati, 2003. ISBN: 3-211-00753-9.
    (2003) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Glezer, A. (2003). "Virtual Aero-Shaping of Airfoils at Low Angles of Attack," US Patent 6,644,598, November 11, 2003. 
    (2003) [Abstract]


  • Amitay, M., Pitt, D. and Glezer, A. (2002). "Separation Control in Duct Flows," Journal of Aircraft, Volume 39, Issue 4, p. 616-620, 2002.
    (2002) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Glezer, A. and Amitay, M. (2002). "Synthetic Jets," Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 34, 2002.
    (2002) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Glezer, A. (2002). "Controlled Transients of Flow Reattachment Over Stalled Airfoils," International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow, Volume 23, Issue 5, p. 690-299, 2002.
    (2002) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Glezer, A. (2002). "Role of Actuation Frequency in Confrolled Flow Reattachment Over a Stalled Airfoil," AIAA Journal, Volume 40, Issue 2, p. 209-216, 2002. 
    (2002) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Fung, P. and Amitay, M. (2002). "Active Flow Control Application on a Mini Ducted Fan UAV," Journal of Aircraft, Volume 39, Issue 4, p. 561-571, 2002.
    (2002) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Glezer, A. (2002). "Apparatus and Method for Enhancement of Aerodynamic Performance by Using Pulse Excitation Control of Synthetic Jet Actuators," US Patent 6,412,732, B1, July 2, 2002. 
    (2002) [Abstract]


  • Amitay, M. and Glezer, A. (2001). "Virtual Aero-Shaping of an Airfoil at Low Angles of Attack,"  54th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, San Diego, CA, November 18-20, 2001
    (2001) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M., Smith, D.R., Kibens, V., Parekh, D.E. and Glezer, A. (2001). "Modification of the Aerodynamics Characteristics of an Unconventional Airfoil Using Synthetic Jet Actuators," AIAA Journal, Volume 39, Issue 3, p. 361-370, March 2001.
    (2001) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Amitay, M., Lal, M., and Glezar, A. (1999). "Control of Separated Flow over a Thick Airfoil using Fluidic Actuators," 52nd Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, New Orleans, LA, November 21-23, 1999
    (1999) [Abstract]


  • Amitay, M. and Glezer, A. (1998). "The Dynamics of Separation Control Over a Thick Airfoil using Synthetic Jet Actuators,"  51st Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Philadelphia, PA, November 22-24, 1998
    (1998) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Quintana, D., Amitay, M., Ortega, A. and Wygnanski, I. (1997). "Heat Transfer in the Forced Laminar Wall-Jet," Journal of Heat Transfer, Volume 119, Issue 3, p. 451-459, 1997.
    (1997) [Publication, Abstract]
  • Amitay, M. and Cohen, J. (1997). "Instability of a Two-Dimensional Plane Wall-Jet Subjected to Blowing or Suction," Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Volume 334, p. 67-94, 1997.
    (1997) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Tumin, A., Amitay, M., Cohen, J. and Zhou, M. (1996). "A Normal Multimode Decomposition Method for Stability Experiments," Physics of Fluids, Volume A, 8, Issue 10, p. 2777-2779, 1996.
    (1996) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Amitay, M. and Cohen, J. (1993). "The Mean Flow of Laminar Wall-Jet Subjected to Blowing or Suction," Physics of Fluid, Volume A, 5, Issue 8, p. 2053-2057, 1993.
    (1993) [Publication, Abstract]


  • Cohen, J., Amitay, M. and Bayly, B.J. (1992). "Laminar-Turbulent Transition of Wall-Jet Flows Subjected to Blowing and Suction," Physics of Fluids, Volume A, 4, Issue 2, p. 283-289, 1992.
    (1992) [Publication, Abstract]
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