
Enhanced aerodynamic performance that avoids flow separation on wing surfaces has been traditionally achieved by appropriate aerodynamic design of airfoil sections.  However, when the wing design is driven by non-aerodynamic constraints (stealth, payload, etc.) the forces and moments of the resulting unconventional airfoil shape may be much smaller than on a conventional airfoil.  Therefore, either active or passive flow control techniques can be used to enhance aerodynamic performance throughout the flight envelop.

Although passive control devices, such as vortex generators, have proven, under some conditions, to be quite effective in delaying flow separation, they offer no proportional control and introduce a drag penalty when the flow does not separate (or when they are not needed).

In contrast, active flow control enables coupling of the control input to flow instabilities that are associated with flow separation and thus may enable substanial control authority at low actuation levels.  Furthermore, active actuation is largely innocuous except when activated and has the potential for delivering variable power.  In previous studies, active control efforts have employed a variety of techniques including external and internal acoustic excitation, vibrating ribbons or flaps, and steady or unsteady blowing.

Over the past couple of decades, the synthetic jet actuator has emerged as a versatile actuator for active flow control.  The formation and evoluation of synthetic jets are described in detail in the work of Smith & Glezer (1998), Glezer & Amitay (2002), Amitay and Cannelle (2006), Van Buren et al. (2014).  The effectiveness of fluidic actuators based on synthetic jets is derived from the interaction of these jets with the flow near the flow boundary that can lead to the formation of a quasi-closed recirculating flow region, resulting in a virtual modification of the shape of the surface.

The aerodynamic research at CeFPaC has several objectives:  (1) understand the flow physics of the flow field of the system in question, (2) understand the flow mechanisms associated with the interaction between the flow and the actuators, (3) explore, experimentally and numerically, the feasibility of using active flow control for flight control, (4) develop low order models of the flow, and (5) develop a closed-loop control schemes.

Mechanism for Active Camber Morphing for Helicopter Rotor Blades in Reverse Flow
This project is a collaboration with RPI's Center for Mobility with Vertical Lift (MOVE) with contributions from Dr. Etana Ferede. In high speed rotorcraft applications, a large section of the retreating blade undergoes reverse flow due to a high advance ratio. Flow separation at the sharp aerodynamic leading edge during reverse flow (geometric trailing edge) leads to negative lift, pitching moment, and drag penalties.
Three-dimensional separation over three-dimensional wings at a moderate Reynolds number

This project is an experimental investigation of separated flows over cantilevered wings with a cross-section NACA 0015.  The goal of this research is to link changes in the separated flow field to variations in aspect ratio, angle of attack, Reynolds number, sweep angle, and taper ratio.  The results include qualitative surface topology from oil flow visualization, quantitative flowfield measurements using Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry (SPIV) and Time-Resolved Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry.  

Formation of secondary flow structures and interactions of a finite-span synthetic jet
Experimental investigation of the formation of secondary flow structures and interactions of a finite-span synthetic jet in a cross-flow at chord-based Reynolds numbers between 50,000 and 400,000 and angles of attack from 00 to 200.
Sample TS cancellation PIV
A turbulent boundary layer greatly increases the drag on a wing, and therefore aircraft fuel consumption. By delaying the transition of organized, laminar flow into disorganized, turbulent flow, billions a year can be saved in fuel costs. One way that this transition can be delayed is by using a vibrating surface element to suppress the Tollmien-Schlichting (TS) waves responsible.
Velocity vector fields
Attractive to aircraft designers are compact inlets, which implement curved flow paths to the compressor face. These curved flow paths could be employed for multiple reasons. One of which is to connect the air intake to the engine embedded in the aircraft body. Secondly, they allow for tightly packed, lightweight, and low volume propulsion system designs. Therefore, a compromise must be made between the compactness of the inlet and its aerodynamic performance. Currently, the length of the propulsion system is constraining the overall size of Unmanned Air Vehicles (UAVs). Thus, more efficient aircrafts could be realized if the propulsion system could be shortened. In order to suppress flow separation regions, passive or active flow control strategies can be employed.
Active Wave Control of Tollmien-Schlichting Instabilities on a Natural Laminar Airfoil
A turbulent boundary layer greatly increases the drag on a wing, negatively impacting aircraft fuel economy. Unmanned aerial drones in particular experience transition to turbulent flow from the laminar regime at common flight conditions. Transition can be delayed in a number of ways including airfoil geometry and surface actuation to suppress the Tollmien-Schlichting (TS) waves responsible.
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