Research at CeFPac

The center has two main thrusts: (i) Aerodynamics of aerial, ground and underwater vehicles, (ii) wind energy (smart wind turbine blades, and buildings integrated wind).   

CeFPaC’s primary research areas include:

  • Flow Physics: 2-D, 3-D, and unsteady flows
  • Flow Control: Fundamental and applied experimental, numerical and theoretical investigations of flow control in macro and micro systems
  • Actuators: Design, fabrication, optimization, and modeling of actuators for flow control
  • Flow Sensing:  Flow sensors and controls to enable autonomous systems

Current Projects

Mechanism for Active Camber Morphing for Helicopter Rotor Blades in Reverse Flow
This project is a collaboration with RPI's Center for Mobility with Vertical Lift (MOVE) with contributions from Dr. Etana Ferede. In high speed rotorcraft applications, a large section of the retreating blade undergoes reverse flow due to a high advance ratio. Flow separation at the sharp aerodynamic leading edge during reverse flow (geometric trailing edge) leads to negative lift, pitching moment, and drag penalties.
Three-dimensional separation over three-dimensional wings at a moderate Reynolds number

This project is an experimental investigation of separated flows over cantilevered wings with a cross-section NACA 0015.  The goal of this research is to link changes in the separated flow field to variations in aspect ratio, angle of attack, Reynolds number, sweep angle, and taper ratio.  The results include qualitative surface topology from oil flow visualization, quantitative flowfield measurements using Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry (SPIV) and Time-Resolved Stereo Particle Image Velocimetry.  

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