Plenoptic Particle Image Velocimetry (PPIV)

Experimentally analyzing and quantifying flow structures remains at the forefront of fluid mechanics research. The inability of simple particle image velocimetry (PIV) to fully capture phenomena in a flow field is directly related to its 2D nature. Attempts to remedy this and produce 3D flow fields have been generally successful through methods such as multi-plane stereo PIV and tomographic PIV. However, these methods require many cameras and complicated setups. Instead, a plenoptic camera can capture a 3D flow field instantaneously with only one camera. Through the addition of a microlens array, the camera is able to capture the complete angular and spatial distribution of light rays in a photograph (the “light field”). This means that a single camera can not only identify the x-axis and y-axis location of a particle, but also the z-axis location. This data in the camera is then reconstructed using advanced algorithms such as the multiplicative algebraic reconstruction technique (MART) to produce a 3D field of the particles, and ultimately, an instantaneous 3D velocity field.

The main goal of this project is to implement a plenoptic camera into the CeFPaC facility that allows for the taking of plenoptic PIV (PPIV) measurements on a variety of current and future projects. Current experimentation using PPIV includes flow field analysis of vortex rings from a free jet, laminar flow over an airfoil, and the flow field created by a pitched and plunging airfoil.


Reconstructed Particle Volume


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