Anticipated: B.S. in Aeronautical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, May 2017
Internships and Co-ops:
- Project Engineering Instern, Pratt and Whitney, Summer 2016
Joined CeFPaC
June 2015
CeFPaC Experience
Working at CeFPaC cements the concepts taught in class in the most creative and interactive way! I have worked on several different projects thus far, with partnerships with NYSERDA, Northrop Grumman, XCA and others, on various topics in the aerodynamics field. The CeFPaC environment is conducive to asking questions and exploring new and innovative areas in active flow control research. It is such a fun experience as an undergrad to physically work with parts and components of models and have the responsibility with the projects that most other centers would not give. Tremendous amounts of trust lives in the group of people here at CeFPaC, starting with the Director, Miki Amitay. I have made friends, connections and wonderful memories. Excited for more to come.