Received: Ph.D. in Aeronautical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, May 2017
Received: B.S. in Physics, Ben-Gurion University, Israel, March 2012
Received: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Ben-Gurion University, Israel, March 2012
Internships and Co-ops:
- Experimental Particle Physics Researcher, CERN- European Organization for Nuclear Research, Geneva, Switzerland, 2010-2012
- Business Development, MEDESPEL Ltd - Israeli Biomedical Startup, 2011
- Laboratory for Experimental Neursurgery, Soroka Medical Center, Israel, 2011
- Laboratory of Turbulent Multiphase Flows, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel, 2008-2012
- Platoon Sergeant Commander, Israel Defense Forces - Infantry Corps, 2003-2006
Lead R&D Engineer, Technology Leadership Development Program (TLDP), Becton Dickinson, April 2017 - Present
Lead the development of a revolutionary & innovative injection device for insulin delivery; 1st assignment as part of Technology Leadership Development Program (TLDP) - a highly competitive accelerated career track program developing future company leaders through a series of increasingly challenging assignments across multiple business units and disciplines.
Joined CeFPaC
August 2012
CeFPaC Experience
I joined CeFPaC as a Ph.D. student in August 2012. Since then and until graduation, I worked on the trasonic diffuser project funded by Northrop Grumman, investigating novel techniques to control massive separated flow. In order to successfully solve the chanllenges I was facing during the investigation of my project, I was required to develop innovative solutions involving a deep understanding of flow physics. The mentorship, expertise, and warm personality of Professor Amitay, combined with an extremely high level of technical staff supporting the lab, and the friendship with my lab mates, provided a positive growing environment, encouraging me to develop as a person and as a researcher.
Selected Publications
- Gartner J. and Amitay, M., "Effect of boundary layer thickness on secondary structures in a short inlet curved duct." International Journal of Heat and Fluid Flow 50 467-478, 2014.
- CMS Collaboration, “Measurement of the inelastic proton-proton cross section at sqrt(s)=7 TeV.” Physics Letters B, Volume 722, Issues 1–3, p. 5-27, 0370-2693, 2013.
- Gartner, J., “Investigation of Hydrodynamics and Particle Transport in Stably Stratified Turbulence.” Senior Thesis, Mechanical Engineering Department, Ben-Gurion University, Israel, 2011.
Conference Publications:
- Gartner, J., and Amitay, M., "Flow Control in a Diffuser at Transonic Conditions." AIAA Avaiation, Dallas, TX, June 2015.
- Gartner, J., Amitay, M., "Flow Control in a Short Trasonic Diffuser." 1000 Islands Fluid Mechanics Meeting, Gananoque, Ontario, Canada, May 2015.
- Gartner, J., and Amitay, M., "Flow Control in a Trasonic Diffuser." American Physics Society Conference, San Francisco, CA, November 2014.
- Gartner., J., and Amitay, M., "Transonic Flow in a Diffuser." 1000 Islands Fluid Mechanics Meeting, Gananoque, Ontario, Canada, May 2014.
- Gartner, J., and Amitay, M., "Effect of Boundary Layer Thickness on Secondary Structures in a Short Inlet Curved Duct." American Phyical Society, San Francisco, CA, November 2014.
- Gartner, J., Salvador, I., and Amitay, M., "Effect of Bundary Layer Thickness on Secondary Structures in Short Inlet Ducts." 1000 Islands Fluid Mechanics Meeting, Gananoque, Ontario, Canada, April 2013.
- Gartner, J., "Optic Control of Brain Activity." Annual Seminar of the Zlotowski Center for Neuroscience, Ben-Gurion University, Israel, 2011.