Received: Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, December 2012
Received: M.S. in Aerospace Engineering, University at Buffalo, September 2008
Received, B.S. in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering, University at Buffalo, September 2006
Internships and Co-ops:
- Summer Intern, GE Silicones, Wateford, NY, June 2006
- Assistant Professor, Rutgers University, January 2017 - Present
Experimental aerodynamics with a focus on three-dimensional flow physics and active control
- Postdoctoral Appointee, Sandia National Labs, January 2015 - December 2016
At Sandia, I worked on higher-speed flows as an experimentalist within the Aerosciences department. My two primary projects included studying multiphase flow physics within the SNL multiphase shock tube and cavity flows within the SNL trisonic wind tunnel. This provided me the opportunity to learn more about making particle image velocimetry measurements, making use of advanced pieces of equipment such as a pulse-burst laser and high-speed cameras.
- Lecturer, Mechanical, Aerospace and Nucleur Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, August 2013 - December 2014
As a lecturer in the department of Mechanical, Aerospace and Nucleur Engineering, I was responsible for lesson planning, lectures, grading, holding office hours and assigning final grades and undergraduate advising of Aeronautical Engineering majors. The courses I was responsible for are as follows:
- MANE 4090-Flight Mechanics, Fall 2014 (1 section)
- MANE 4020 - Thermal and Fluids Engineering II, Fall 2013 and Spring 2014 (3 sections)
- MANE 4010-Thermal and Fluids Engineering Lab, Fall 2013, Spring 2014, Fall 2014 (10 sections)
Research Area of Interest:
My research interests include experimental and theoretical study and control of flow instabilities. I am interested in using hydrodynamic stability theory to help aid in the identification of instabilities that may be beneficial for control purposes. My research has provided me with experience looking at flow physics within low-speed subsonic, transonic, and supersonic flow regimes.
Joined CeFPaC
August 2008
CeFPaC Experience
While working under Professor Amitay, I not only learned how to conduct quality aerodynamics research, but also acquired a number of skills that serve me well moving forward in my career. I was fortunate to work on a number of projects that helped give me a broad exposure to different aerospace engineering topics and gained invaluable hands-on experience designing and conducting experiments from start to finish.
Within Professor Amitay’s group, I worked primarily on investigating active control of the flow about a finite-span cylinder using a synthetic jet. This was done through SPIV measurements of the cylinder azimuthal boundary layer and near wake. Following this, I worked on suppression of Tollmein-Schlicting waves within a laminar boundary layer (design of experimental apparatus, initial testing and theoretical analysis), suppression of laminar separation bubble on a NACA-0009 airfoil (theoretical analysis and interpretation of results), and 3D stall cells on a NACA-0015 (initial testing).
Selected Publications
- DeMauro, E.P., Casper, K.M., Beresh, S.J., Wagner, J.L., Henfling, J.F., and Spillers, R.W., "Study of the flow within finite-span complex cavaties using particle image velocimetry and pressure sensitive paint," AIAA Paper No. 2017-1474, Jan. 2017.
- DeMauro, E.P., Wagner, J.L., DeChant, L.J., Beresh, S.J., Farias, P.A., Turpin, A.M., Sealy, W., Albert, S.W., and Sanderson, P.D., "Measurements of the initial transient of a dense particle curtain following shock wave impingement," AIAA Paper No. 2017-1466, Jan. 2017.
- Wagner, J.L., Beresh, S.J., Casper, K.M., Demauro, E.P., and Arunajatesan, S., "Resonance dynamics in compressible cavity flows using time-resolved particle image velocimetry and pressure sensitive paint," AIAA Paper No. 2017-0475, Jan. 2017.
- Chen, Y., DeMauro, E.P., Wagner, J.L., Arienti, M., Guildenbecher, D.R., Farias, P.A., Grasser, T.W., Sanderson, P.D., Albert, S.W., Turpin, A.M., Sealy, W., and Ketchum, R.S., "Aerodynamic breakup and secondary drop formation for a liquid metal column in a shock-induced cross-flow," AIAA Paper No. 2017-1892, Jan. 2017.
- DeMauro, E.P., Beresh, S.J., Wagner, J.L., Henfling, J.F., and Spillers, R.W., “Three-dimensional measurement of edge effects in open cavities of finite-span,” AIAA Paper No. 2016-3314, June 2016.
- Beresh, S.J., Wagner, J.L., DeMauro, E.P., Henfling, J.F., and Spillers, R.W., “Applications of temporal supersampling in pulse-burst PIV,” AIAA Paper No. 2016-3400, June 2016.
- DeMauro, E.P., Wagner, J.L., Beresh, S.J., Farias, P.A., “Measurements of gas-phase velocity during shock-particle interactions using pulse-burst PIV,” AIAA Paper No. 2016-0793, Jan. 2016.
- DeMauro, E.P., Beresh, S.J., Wagner, J.L., Henfling, J.F., and Spillers, R.W., “Volumetric measurement of transonic cavity flow using stereoscopic particle image velocimetry,” AIAA Paper No. 2016-2076, Jan. 2016.
- Wagner, J.L., Beresh, S.J., Casper, K.M., DeMauro, E.P., Arunajatesan, S., Henfling, J.F., and Spillers, R.W., “Relationship between transonic cavity tones and flowfield dynamics using pulse-burst PIV,” AIAA Paper No. 2016-1345, Jan. 2016.
- Wagner, J.L., Beresh, S.J., DeMauro, E.P., Casper, K.M., Guildenbecher, D.R., Pruett, B.O., and Farias, P.A., “Pulse-burst PIV measurements of transient phenomena in a shock tube,” AIAA Paper No. 2016-0791, Jan. 2016.
- Beresh, S.J., Wagner, J.L., DeMauro, E.P., Henfling, J.F., and Spillers, R.W., “Resonance characteristics of transonic flow over a rectangular cavity using pulse-burst PIV,” AIAA Paper No. 2016-1344, Jan. 2016.
- Guildenbecher, D.R., Wagner, J.L., Olles, J.D., DeMauro, E.P., Farias, P.A., Grasser, T.W., and Sojka, P.E., “kHz rate digital in-line holography applied to quantify secondary droplets from aerodynamic breakup of a liquid column in a shock tube,” AIAA Paper No. 2016-1044, Jan. 2016.
- DeMauro, E.P., Dell’Orso, H., Sivaneri, V., Tuna, B.A., and Amitay, M., “Measurements of 3-D stall cells on 2-D airfoil,” AIAA Paper No. 2015-2633, June 2015.
- Wagner, J.L., Kearney, S.P., Beresh, S.J., DeMauro, E.P., and Pruett, B.O., “Flash X-Ray measurements on the shock-induced dispersal of a dense particle curtain,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 56, No. 213, 2015, pp. 1-12.
- DeMauro, E.P., Dell’Orso, H., Zaremski, S., Leong, C.M., and Amitay, M., “Control of a laminar separation bubble on a NACA 0009 airfoil using electro-active polymers,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 53, No. 8, 2015, pp. 2270-2279.
- Wagner, J.L., Beresh, S.J., DeMauro, E.P., Pruett, B.O., and Farias, P.A., “Towards particle image velocimetry measurements during shock-particle curtain interactions,” Proceedings of the 30th International Symposium on Shock Waves, 1st ed., Springer, New York, 2015.
- DeMauro, E.P., Leong, C.M., and Amitay, M., “Stability and control of a low aspect ratio cantilevered circular cylinder,” Instability and control of massively separated flows, 1st ed., Vol. 107, Springer, New York, 2015, pp. 151-156.
- DeMauro, E.P., Leong, C.M., and Amitay, M., “Interaction of a synthetic jet with the flow over a low aspect ratio cylinder,” Physics of Fluids, Vol. 25, No. 6, 2013, pp. 1-18.
- Menicovich, D., Vollen, J., Amitay, M., Letchford, C., DeMauro, E.P., Rao, A., and Dyson, A., “A new approach to the aerodynamic performance of tall buildings,” CTBUH Journal, http://technicalpapers.ctbuh.org, 2012.
- DeMauro, E.P., Leong, C.M., and Amitay, M., “Modification of the near wake behind a finite-span cylinder by a single synthetic jet,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 53, No. 6, 2012, pp. 1963-1978.
- DeMauro, E.P., Leong, C.M., and Amitay, M., “Interaction of a single synthetic jet with a finite aspect ratio circular cylinder,” AIAA Paper No. 2012-3043, June 2012.
- Pendergast, D.R., DeMauro, E.P., Fletcher, M., Stimson, E., and Mollendorf, J.C., “A rechargeable lithium-ion battery module for underwater use,” Journal of Power Sources, Vol. 196, No. 2, 2011, pp. 793-800.