Received: M.Eng. in Mechanical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Summer 2020
Received: B.S. in Mechanical Engineering, Rutgers University- New Brunswick May 2015
Internships and Co-ops:
- Naval Nuclear Laboratory- Engineer, January 2016- August 2018
Joined CeFPaC
August 2018
CeFPaC Experience
Joining CeFPaC is a rewarding experience for me as well as a major step in my career. After coming from industry, it is a unique experience for me to learn more about fluid experimentation from CeFPaC. It is a great place to learn more about flow visualization techniques and utilizing state of the art equipment and software to conduct advanced experiments in the wind tunnel. While there will be lots of challenges along the way, it will be very rewarding to gain knowledge in fluid mechanics as well as further contributing to fluid research here at CeFPaC.