Received: Ph.D. in Aeronautical Engineering, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, May 2012
Received: B.S. Mechanical Engineering, University of Missouri-Rolla, May 2008
CeFPaC Experience
Key Projects
• Applied micro particle image velocimetry (μPIV) and particle tracking velocimetry (PTV) techniques to the investigation of microchannel fluid dynamics.
• Implemented active flow control methods that induced chaotic advection in gas-liquid microchannel flow.
• Conducted experiments to study flow patterns and the dynamics of an air-water mixture around a pillar.
• Characterized two phase flow patterns and bubble dynamics around a pillar embedded in a microchannel.
• Characterized the mixing layer interaction caused by gas jet injection into liquid flow around a pillar.
• Investigated the effect of the gas jet injection angle on the liquid flow field in the presence of a pillar.
• Examined the effect of a gas jet injected into the region surrounding two pillars in tandem.